Middle Schoolers Thoughts

Girls perspectiveA Mom's Practical Dating Advice For Teenage Girls

Ok, middle school is hard. You lose friendships, you gain some. You are getting more emotions, and it really is terrible. You also can’t decide what group of friends to join, or not to join, or not be in one because everyone is clicky. There are some good things though. You are able to choose some of your classes, not all of them, but some.(electives) With a lot of people, your personality changes a little. You find new things that interest you, that would never have before. Middle school is so difficult, and if definitely a learning experience, which means it is painful to go through. But, you need to go through it to learn and grow.Draper Park Middle School to close, transition to online classes for 2 weeks

2 Replies to “Middle Schoolers Thoughts”

  1. bpay4349

    HAH totally can relate! I really like this blog!

  2. ~Ally~

    Totally understandable! The girls perspective makes it more applicable to me.


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